Friday, October 4, 2013


"Graaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaades...." should be read in your best zombie voice. seems like my grading load is enormous.  I'm still motivated to do it because I'm so interested in tracking student progress with the flipped classroom.

As a planning/classroom management strategy, giving students the worksheet packet while I conduct the interview quizzes works well.

But then what?

In Unit 1A, I hand-graded the entire packet myself. That took 8 years. Terrible idea.

In Unit 1B, I had students peer grade without giving point totals (because explaining my math to them would be an even bigger nightmare), and then they handed in the corrected packets to me for a 2nd check.  The peer grading was another good independent activity while I was doing the unit speaking test, so classroom management-wise, it worked.

The issue I'm having right now is that even though the packets are basically corrected, things that are sticking out to me...I have to correct if I see they were missed! So, in essence, I am still grading nearly the entire packet....

I would have students use the online version of the packet, but it allows them to check their answers, so as an assessment of what they know, it's useless.

My plan for the next section is that I will spot check certain activities and hand-grade those, but students won't know ahead of time which ones are counting for credit, so they will have to do their best work on everything.  Perhaps then, I can just go over the remaining exercise in class and they can self-correct.

I need to get this system down so they have more immediate feedback.  Right now, the copious corrections are probably not helping very much because of the timing.

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