Monday, November 11, 2013

A plan is taking shape...

In terms of the accountability piece for student completion of homework, that has been one of the main things I was not able to foresee, so I have experimented a bit and may have a new system to start fresh for 2nd semester (Maybe even for Unit 4A).

There are basically 3 kinds of videos that I do:
-Vocab Dialogue
-Vocab List

The grammar was the easiest to figure out. I provide guided notes, and students can either use those or take their own notes, and then I just check that they have decent notes.

For the dialogue, what I did for the last two was add a slide at the end of the lesson that provided a comprehension check.  What I think I will do next time is provide a 3-column notesheet with 1) the key phrases in french 2) a deductive reasoning column (What did you think it meant from context?) and 3) an accuracy check (When you looked it up in the textbook, what did you find?)

For lists, I still have a few ideas that are all workable, but I do think the creation of Quizlet decks for all lists is going to be more and more important. I have not honestly had too many lessons that were pure "list" format, so I'm still pondering this, but quizzing kids with flashcards at the door seems to do the trick, especially if they know it's coming and I won't let them in unless they can answer me something.

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